
Why good oral hygiene is so important.

The key to a healthy smile is keeping plaque and tooth decay from building up in your mouth. Unfortunately, we can’t completely stop plaque and tooth decay from building up in your mouth, we can only slow it down. The process of eating creates plaque, which coats your teeth and tongue, gets under your gum line, and sticks to fillings and other dental work in your mouth. Plaque carries harmful bacteria that leads to tooth decay. If the plaque in your mouth isn’t removed regularly, this can lead to permanent tooth decay, disease, including gum disease, as well as various other dental problems.

Although you can’t completely stop plague and tooth decay from building up in your mouth, you can help slow it down by practicing good oral hygiene. To ensure that you have good oral hygiene, practice the following 4 easy steps:

  • Brush your teeth and use an antiseptic mouthwash twice daily.
  • Floss your teeth daily.
  • Clean your tongue regularly with a tongue scraper
  • See your dentist for routine dental checkups.

Why it’s important to visit your dentist regularly.

Having plaque in your mouth is like having a splinter. When you have a splinter, you’re never going to heal unless you remove it. In the same way, your teeth and gums will never heal if you never remove the plaque and bacteria from your mouth regularly. Normal tooth brushing and flossing are not enough to remove the plaque and bacteria in your mouth. Regular dental checkups and cleanings are crucial to removing plaque buildup so that you can look and feel happy and healthy.

This is especially important because dental health affects your overall health. Bacteria in your mouth has been proven to regenerate in just 21-60 days after a regular dental cleaning. If left untreated in your mouth, oral bacteria can enter your circulatory system. The National Institute of Health states that this oral bacteria can contribute to greater risk of diseases to the heart and other organs.