
What is a root canal and why do you need one?

A root canal (or endodontic treatment) is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is severely injured, cracked, or badly decayed. Inside of every tooth, there is what’s known as dental pulp, which is the area within the center of the tooth that contains the nerve, blood vessels, and connective tissue.

A root canal is needed when the dental pulp becomes inflamed or infected. If the tooth is not treated with a root canal, this will lead to pain, a tooth abscess (tooth infection), swelling that may spread to other areas of the face, neck, or head, bone loss, and various other issues.

What are common signs that a root canal is needed?

You should see your dentist if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Tooth or gum pain
  • Prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures
  • Discoloration or darkening of the tooth
  • A tooth that is tender when touched
  • Swelling or tenderness in nearby gums
  • Pus or drainage in your mouth

Keep in mind, however, that sometimes there are no symptoms present. In these cases, a digital x-ray taken during your routine dental checkup will reveal the tooth damage.

What is done during a root canal?

During a root canal, the diseased dental pulp inside of the tooth is removed along with the tooth’s nerve. The inside of the tooth is then cleaned, medicated, and sealed. A dental crown or other restorative treatment is used to protect and strengthen the tooth.

Although the dental pulp and the tooth’s nerve are removed during a root canal, these things are not important or vital to the tooth health and function. The presence or absence of a tooth’s nerve will not affect the functioning of the tooth. When the tooth’s nerve is removed, you will not notice its absence.

Is a root canal painful?

A root canal is not a painful procedure, and its actually a misconception that many people believe that a root canal is painful. Most people report that the procedure itself is no more painful than other routine dental procedures, such as having a tooth filling. Moreover, at Northern Edge Dentistry, we are committed to ensuring that every dental procedure is as painless as possible, including root canals.

What is painful, however, is leaving the tooth untreated. Not treating the tooth will likely result in severe pain that will continue until the tooth is treated. Leaving the tooth untreated will also lead to more severe problems, such as a tooth abscess, swelling, bone loss, and various other problems.