
Maybe you saw it on Facebook, Instagram, or perhaps Pinterest. Wherever it may have been, chances are you’ve come across a post claiming that DIY or natural teeth whitening approaches using common household items can be used to whiten your teeth. Who needs to go to the dentist to whiten your teeth when lemon juice can do the trick? Forget over-the-counter whiteners, grab some baking soda instead!

This all sounds great, but do these DIY teeth whitening methods really work? Let’s separate fact from fiction to learn the truth.


The first common DIY teeth whitening approach claims that you can have whiter and brighter teeth by mixing together household items that are naturally acidic (like lemons, oranges, apple cider vinegar), contain digestive enzymes (like pineapples or mangos), and are abrasive (like baking soda). It’s simple. You mix these items together to form a paste and then use this paste to brush your teeth.

But does it work? Probably not. Instead, this approach is more likely to cause long-term harm to your teeth and should be avoided. That’s because fruits and vinegar contain acid. When you brush your teeth with something acidic, like lemon juice, the acid will wear away your enamel. Enamel is the thin outer coating of your teeth that protects it from sensitivity, cavities, and bacteria. Instead of whitening your teeth, this approach will actually lead to tooth erosion by wearing down your enamel and making your teeth more susceptible to cavities and infection. Additionally, wearing away your enamel will also cause your teeth to become yellowish and discolored.


The second common DIY teeth whitening approach claims that you can use household items to scrub your way to a whiter and brighter smile. Using ingredients like activated charcoal or baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to form a paste, scrub this paste onto your teeth and watch as your teeth shines brighter than before.

But does it work? Just like with the previous DIY approach, probably not. Again, this approach is also likely to cause long-term harm to your teeth and should be avoided. First, there is no evidence that shows that using an ingredient like charcoal is safe or effective for your teeth. Second, using abrasive materials on your teeth and scrubbing your teeth too roughly will wear away the enamel on your teeth. When you wear away the enamel on your teeth, not only are you more susceptible to cavities and infection, but with the enamel gone, the next layer of your teeth will be exposed. This layer, called dentin, is comprised of softer, yellow tissue. When exposed, therefore, your teeth will not only be weaker, but will also be yellowish and discolored.

Spices and Oils

The third DIY teeth whitening approach claims that swishing oils like coconut oil in your mouth or using spices like turmeric can help whiten your teeth.

But does it work? Again, probably not. There is no reliable scientific evidence that shows that this approach will whiten your teeth.


So, what’s the verdict on all three of these common DIY teeth whitening approaches? First, there is no reliable scientific evidence showing that any of these approaches works to whiten your teeth. More importantly, however, these DIY teeth whitening approaches can actually harm your teeth and lead to long-term harmful effects. Not only can these approaches contribute to weakening your teeth, but they can also have the more immediate result of discoloring your teeth and leading to a more yellowish appearance, which is likely the exact reason that you were considering teeth whitening in the first place!

Final verdict? Don’t believe everything you see or read on the internet.

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